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Data manipulation using tidyfun

The goal of tidyfun is to provide accessible and well-documented software that makes functional data analysis in R easy. In this vignette, we explore some aspects of data manipulation that are possible using tidyfun, emphasizing compatibility with the tidyverse.

Other vignettes have examined the tfd & tfb data types, and how to convert common formats for functional data (e.g. matrices, long- and wide-format data frames, fda objects) in these new data types. Because our goal is “tidy” data manipulation for functional data analysis, the result of data conversion processes has been a data frame in which a column contains the functional data of interest. This vignette starts from that point.

Throughout, we make use of some visualization tools – these are explained in more detail in the visualization vignette.

Example datasets

The datasets used in this vignette are the tidyfun::chf_df and tidyfun::dti_df dataset. The first contains minute-by-minute observations of log activity counts (stored as a tfd vector called activity) over seven days for each of 47 subjects with congestive heart failure. In addition to id and activity, we observe several covariates.


## # A tibble: 329 × 8
##       id gender   age   bmi event_week event_type day  
##    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>      <ord>
##  1     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Mon  
##  2     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Tue  
##  3     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Wed  
##  4     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Thu  
##  5     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Fri  
##  6     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Sat  
##  7     1 Male      41    26         41 .          Sun  
##  8     3 Female    81    21         32 .          Mon  
##  9     3 Female    81    21         32 .          Tue  
## 10     3 Female    81    21         32 .          Wed  
## # ℹ 319 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: activity <tfd_reg>

A quick plot of the first 5 curves:

chf_df |>
  slice(1:5) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = activity)) +
  geom_spaghetti(alpha = 0.1)

The tidyfun::dti_df contains fractional anisotropy (FA) tract profiles for the corpus callosum (cca) and the right corticospinal tract (rcst), along with several covariates.


## # A tibble: 382 × 6
##       id visit sex    case                                                  cca
##    <dbl> <int> <fct>  <fct>                                          <tfd_irrg>
##  1  1001     1 female control  [1]: (0.000,0.49);(0.011,0.52);(0.022,0.54); ...
##  2  1002     1 female control  [2]: (0.000,0.47);(0.011,0.49);(0.022,0.50); ...
##  3  1003     1 male   control  [3]: (0.000,0.50);(0.011,0.51);(0.022,0.54); ...
##  4  1004     1 male   control  [4]: (0.000,0.40);(0.011,0.42);(0.022,0.44); ...
##  5  1005     1 male   control  [5]: (0.000,0.40);(0.011,0.41);(0.022,0.40); ...
##  6  1006     1 male   control  [6]: (0.000,0.45);(0.011,0.45);(0.022,0.46); ...
##  7  1007     1 male   control  [7]: (0.000,0.55);(0.011,0.56);(0.022,0.56); ...
##  8  1008     1 male   control  [8]: (0.000,0.45);(0.011,0.48);(0.022,0.50); ...
##  9  1009     1 male   control  [9]: (0.000,0.50);(0.011,0.51);(0.022,0.52); ...
## 10  1010     1 male   control [10]: (0.000,0.46);(0.011,0.47);(0.022,0.48); ...
## # ℹ 372 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: rcst <tfd_irrg>

A quick plot of the cca tract profiles is below.

dti_df |>
  ggplot(aes(y = cca)) +
  geom_spaghetti(alpha = 0.05)

Existing tidyverse functions

Dataframes using tidyfun to store functional observations can be manipulated using tools from dplyr, including select and filter:

chf_df |>
  select(id, day, activity) |>
  filter(day == "Mon") |>
  ggplot(aes(y = activity)) +
  geom_spaghetti(alpha = 0.05)

Operations using group_by and summarize also work – let’s look at some daily averages of these activity profiles:

chf_df |>
  group_by(day) |>
  summarize(mean_act = mean(activity)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = mean_act, color = day)) +

One can mutate functional observations – here we exponentiate the log activity counts to obtain original recordings:

chf_df |>
  slice(1:5) |>
  mutate(exp_act = exp(activity)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = exp_act)) +
  geom_spaghetti(alpha = 0.2)

Functions for data manipulation from tidyr are also supported. We illustrate by using pivot_wider to create new tfd-columns containing the activity profiles for each day of the week:

chf_df |>
  select(id, day, activity) |>
    names_from = day,
    values_from = activity
## # A tibble: 47 × 8
##       id                          Mon                          Tue
##    <dbl>                    <tfd_reg>                    <tfd_reg>
##  1     1  [1]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...  [1]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,5); ...
##  2     3  [2]: (1,3);(2,5);(3,5); ...  [2]: (1,0);(2,5);(3,6); ...
##  3     4  [3]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...  [3]: (1,4);(2,0);(3,3); ...
##  4     5  [4]: (1,5);(2,4);(3,5); ...  [4]: (1,4);(2,6);(3,7); ...
##  5     6  [5]: (1,0);(2,7);(3,0); ...  [5]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  6     7  [6]: (1,5);(2,7);(3,5); ...  [6]: (1,4);(2,2);(3,5); ...
##  7     8  [7]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...  [7]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  8     9  [8]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...  [8]: (1,2);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  9    10  [9]: (1,0);(2,4);(3,0); ...  [9]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
## 10    11 [10]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ... [10]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
## # ℹ 37 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: Wed <tfd_reg>, Thu <tfd_reg>, Fri <tfd_reg>,
## #   Sat <tfd_reg>, Sun <tfd_reg>

(Note that this has made the data less “tidy” and is therefore not generally recommended, but may be useful in some cases).

It’s also possible to join datasets based on non-functional keys. To illustrate, we’ll first create a pair of datasets:

monday_df <- chf_df |>
  filter(day == "Mon") |>
  select(id, monday_act = activity)
friday_df <- chf_df |>
  filter(day == "Fri") |>
  select(id, friday_act = activity)

These can be joined using the id variable as a key (and then tidied using pivot_longer):

monday_df |>
  left_join(friday_df, by = "id") |>
  pivot_longer(monday_act:friday_act, names_to = "day", values_to = "activity")
## # A tibble: 94 × 3
##       id day                            activity
##    <dbl> <chr>                         <tfd_reg>
##  1     1 monday_act  [1]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  2     1 friday_act  [2]: (1,6);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  3     3 monday_act  [3]: (1,3);(2,5);(3,5); ...
##  4     3 friday_act  [4]: (1,6);(2,6);(3,6); ...
##  5     4 monday_act  [5]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  6     4 friday_act  [6]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
##  7     5 monday_act  [7]: (1,5);(2,4);(3,5); ...
##  8     5 friday_act  [8]: (1,6);(2,2);(3,6); ...
##  9     6 monday_act  [9]: (1,0);(2,7);(3,0); ...
## 10     6 friday_act [10]: (1,0);(2,0);(3,0); ...
## # ℹ 84 more rows

Similar tidying can be done for the DTI data – let’s look at average RCST tract values for gender and case status:

dti_df |>
  group_by(case, sex) |>
  summarize(mean_rcst = mean(rcst, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = mean_rcst, color = case)) +
  geom_spaghetti(linewidth = 2) +
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'case'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.

New tidyfun functions

Some dplyr functions are useful in conjunction with new functions in tidyfun. For example, one might use filter with tf_anywhere to filter based on the values of observed functions:

like_to_move_it_move_it <- chf_df |> filter(tf_anywhere(activity, value > 9))
## Rows: 6
## Columns: 8
## $ id         <dbl> 34, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35
## $ gender     <chr> "Female", "Female", "Female", "Female", "Female", "Female"
## $ age        <dbl> 56, 56, 56, 67, 67, 67
## $ bmi        <dbl> 25, 25, 25, 33, 33, 33
## $ event_week <dbl> 40, 40, 40, 47, 47, 47
## $ event_type <chr> ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "."
## $ day        <ord> Wed, Thu, Sun, Thu, Fri, Sat
## $ activity   <tfd_reg> <0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000…

like_to_move_it_move_it |>
  ggplot(aes(y = activity)) +
  geom_spaghetti(aes(colour = id))

A second example of this functionality in the DTI data is below.

dti_df |>
  filter(tf_anywhere(cca, value < 0.26)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = cca)) +

The existing mutate function can be combined with several tidyfun functions, including tf_smooth, tf_zoom, and tf_deriv.

One can smooth existing observations using tf_smooth:

chf_df |>
  filter(id == 1) |>
  mutate(smooth_act = tf_smooth(activity)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = smooth_act)) +
## using f = 0.15 as smoother span for lowess

This can be combined with previous steps, like group_by and summarize, to build intution through descriptive plots and summaries:

chf_df |>
  group_by(day) |>
  summarize(mean_act = mean(activity)) |>
  mutate(smooth_mean = tf_smooth(mean_act)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = mean_act, color = day)) +
  geom_spaghetti(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_spaghetti(aes(y = smooth_mean), linewidth = 2)
## using f = 0.15 as smoother span for lowess

One can also extract observations over a subset of the full domain using tf_zoom:

chf_df |>
  filter(id == 1) |>
  mutate(daytime_act = tf_zoom(activity, 360, 1200)) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = daytime_act)) +
  geom_spaghetti(alpha = 0.2)

We can also convert from tfd to tfb inside a mutate statement as part of a data processing pipeline:

dti_df <- dti_df |> mutate(cca_tfb = tfb(cca, k = 25))
## Percentage of input data variability preserved in basis representation
## (per functional observation, approximate):
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    88.3    96.7    97.7    97.3    98.3    99.4

It’s also possible to compute derivatives as part of a processing pipeline:

dti_df |>
  slice(1:10) |>
    cca_raw_deriv = tf_derive(cca),
    cca_tfb_deriv = tf_derive(cca_tfb)
  ) |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_spaghetti(aes(y = cca_raw_deriv), alpha = 0.3, linewidth = 0.3, col = "blue") +
  geom_spaghetti(aes(y = cca_tfb_deriv), alpha = 0.3, linewidth = 0.3, col = "red") +
  ylab("d/dt f(t)")
## Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
##  In argument: `cca_raw_deriv = tf_derive(cca)`.
## Caused by warning:
## ! Differentiating over irregular grids can be unstable.