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tidyfun is intended to make user interactions with functional data easier. The package depends on package tf, which defines a data class (tf) so that vectors of functional observations are available, similar to vectors of class numeric or character1

Such classes make it possible to store functional data alongside other variables in a single dataframe; by extension, tools for data manipulation from the tidyverse and elsewhere can be used with datasets in which one or more variable is functional.

Many basic analyses are available in tidyfun – it’s possible to compute mean functions and other summary statistics of tf vectors, to expand observations using a spline basis or using functional principal components analysis. With tools like group_by and summarize, these can be powerful tools for data exploration. Other analysis approaches are included in the refunder package, and more will be added to that package over time.

There is an active research community in FDA, and there is constant development of new methods for analysis. Our hope is that the data structures in tidyfun will be useful as others as new approaches are implemented, and this page is intended to provide some advice and guidance for those implementations.

Why use tidyfun

There are start-up costs to using a new data class when writing code for new methods, and there should be reasons to adopt such a class. We see several benefits to using tidyfun:

  • Compatibility with a dataframe-centric approach to analysis
  • Supporting tools for data manipulation
  • Plotting in ggplot and base R

Together, these make it possible to analyze functional data in a pipeline (import, exploratory analysis, visualization, and formal analysis) that is similar to those used for scalar variables.

These advantages are user-facing – they are intended to make things easier when analyzing datasets that include functional observations. Because new methods for functional data typically involve working with “raw” observations (numeric vectors or matrices), implementing methods for tidyfun will require some consideration of user interfaces, input objects, and data transformations. We believe the benefits are worth this effort.

Thoughts on design

tidyfun will be most effective in new methods that are intended to be part of an analysis pipeline. As a starting point, we suggest addressing the following questions:

  • How will users’ data be organized? What will input dataframes look like? What other variables will exist in addition to tf columns?
  • What is a natural user interface for my function? How should users specify functional data columns?
  • What will users expect to obtain from my function? Are there parallels with other modeling strategies? How should I organize output so that it integrates with a dataframe-centric analysis approach?
  • Should functions support tfd, tfb, or both? Does the output class matter?
  • Are there any supporting tools I should include? Things like plot or predict, which can be used to summarize results?

At best, users will have a seamless experience across data exploration, modeling, and understanding results; tidyfun is intended to encourage that.

Using tidyfun in new functions

We anticipate that new methods for functional data will use raw numeric values (in vectors or matrices) for estimation and / or inference. Tools for converting tf vectors to matrices or other formats are available, and useful in this context. In general, we have used the following structure for functions that perform analyses:

  • Input objects are dataframes containing tf vectors
  • tf vectors are converted to matrices (or numeric vectors)
  • The estimation procedure is implemented using these matrices
  • Results are formatted as tf vectors as appropriate and returned to the user

This pipeline shifts the burden for data conversion from the user to the function author, and in doing so maintains seamlessness for the user.

As an example, the refunder::rfr_fpca function for functional principal components analysis has two main inputs: a dataframe containing one or more tf variables, and the name of the variable to decompose using FPCA. Internally, the tf vector is converted to a matrix for estimation. The function returns a list of elements relevant for FPCA, and includes estimated functions as a tfb vector. There is also a predict method, so that FPCA expansions of new data using the estimated basis can be easily obtained by users.

Keep us informed!

Our hope is that tidyfun will be a useful platform for other researchers and developers. For that reason, please let us know if you use tidyfun in your own work, identify issues, or have suggestions.