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Evaluate tfs inside a data.frame


# S3 method for data.frame
tf_evaluate(object, ..., arg)



a data.frame-like object with tf columns.


optional: a selection of tf-columns. If empty, all tf-variables in the data frame are selected. You can supply bare variable names, select all variables between x and z with x:z, exclude y with -y. For more options, see the dplyr::select() documentation.


optional evaluation grid (vector or list of vectors). Defaults to tf_arg(object).


Replaces tf-columns with list columns of smaller data.frames containing the functions' arguments (arg) and evaluations (value) and returns the modified nested dataframe.


The arg-argument of method can be a list of arg-vectors or -lists used as the arg argument for the tf::tf_evaluate()-method for the respective tf-columns in object. ... is not used for a tf-object, but a second unnamed argument to these methods will be interpreted as arg.

See also

Other tidyfun data wrangling functions: tf_gather(), tf_nest(), tf_spread(), tf_unnest()