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Compute (truncated) orthonormal eigenfunctions and scores for (partially missing) data on a common (potentially non-equidistant) grid.


fpc_wsvd(data, arg, pve = 0.995)

# S3 method for matrix
fpc_wsvd(data, arg, pve = 0.995)

# S3 method for data.frame
fpc_wsvd(data, arg, pve = 0.995)



numeric matrix of function evaluations (each row is one curve, no NAs)


numeric vector of argument values


percentage of variance explained


a list with entries

  • mu estimated mean function (numeric vector)

  • efunctions estimated FPCs (numeric matrix, columns represent FPCs)

  • scores estimated FPC scores (one row per observed curve)

  • npc how many FPCs were returned for the given pve (integer)

  • scoring_function a function that returns FPC scores for new data and given eigenfunctions, see tf:::.fpc_wsvd_scores for an example.


Performs a weighted SVD with trapezoidal quadrature weights s.t. returned vectors represent (evaluations of) orthonormal eigenfunctions \(\phi_j(t)\), not eigenvectors \(\phi_j = (\phi_j(t_1), \dots, \phi_j(t_n))\), specifically:
\(\int_T \phi_j(t)^2 dt \approx \sum_i \Delta_i \phi_j(t_i)^2 = 1\) given quadrature weights \(\Delta_i\), not \(\phi_j'\phi_j = \sum_i \phi_j(t_i)^2 = 1\);
\(\int_T \phi_j(t) \phi_k(t) dt = 0\) not \(\phi_j'\phi_k = \sum_i \phi_j(t_i)\phi_k(t_i) = 0\), c.f. mogsa::wsvd().
For incomplete data, this uses an adaptation of softImpute::softImpute(), see references. Note that will not work well for data on a common grid if more than a few percent of data points are missing, and it breaks down completely for truly irregular data with no/few common timepoints, even if observed very densely. For such data, either re-evaluate on a common grid first or use more advanced FPCA approaches like refund::fpca_sc(), see last example for tfb_fpc()


code adapted from / inspired by mogsa::wsvd() by Cheng Meng and softImpute::softImpute() by Trevor Hastie and Rahul Mazumder.
Meng C (2023). mogsa: Multiple omics data integrative clustering and gene set analysis.
Mazumder, Rahul, Hastie, Trevor, Tibshirani, Robert (2010). “Spectral regularization algorithms for learning large incomplete matrices.” The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11, 2287-2322.
Hastie T, Mazumder R (2021). softImpute: Matrix Completion via Iterative Soft-Thresholded SVD. R package version 1.4-1,

See also

Other tfb-class: tfb, tfb_fpc(), tfb_spline()

Other tfb_fpc-class: tfb_fpc()


Trevor Hastie, Rahul Mazumder, Cheng Meng, Fabian Scheipl