This dataset includes kinematic data collected from participants running under various conditions, with or without backpacks of different weights.
A tibble with 610 rows and 49 variables:
- id
subject identifier
- cond
running condition
- side
leg side
- step
step number
- age
- ht
- wt
body mass
- sex
- study
- ankle_accl_ap
ankle acceleration anterior-posterior
- ankle_accl_ml
ankle acceleration medial-lateral
- ankle_accl_vt
ankle acceleration vertical
- ankle_angle_ap
ankle angle anterior-posterior
- ankle_angle_ml
ankle angle medial-lateral
- ankle_angle_vt
ankle angle vertical
- ankle_moment_ap
ankle moment anterior-posterior
- ankle_moment_ml
ankle moment medial-lateral
- ankle_moment_vt
ankle moment vertical
- ankle_vel_ap
ankle velocity anterior-posterior
- ankle_vel_ml
ankle velocity medial-lateral
- ankle_vel_vt
ankle velocity vertical
- com_grf_ap
whole body force anterior-posterior
- com_grf_ml
whole body force medial-lateral
- com_grf_vt
whole body force vertical
- hip_accl_ap
hip acceleration anterior-posterior
- hip_accl_ml
hip acceleration medial-lateral
- hip_accl_vt
hip acceleration vertical
- hip_angle_ap
hip angle anterior-posterior
- hip_angle_ml
hip angle medial-lateral
- hip_angle_vt
hip angle vertical
- hip_moment_ap
hip moment anterior-posterior
- hip_moment_ml
hip moment medial-lateral
- hip_moment_vt
hip moment vertical
- hip_vel_ap
hip velocity anterior-posterior
- hip_vel_ml
hip velocity medial-lateral
- hip_vel_vt
hip velocity vertical
- knee_accl_ap
knee acceleration anterior-posterior
- knee_accl_ml
knee acceleration medial-lateral
- knee_accl_vt
knee acceleration vertical
- knee_angle_ap
knee angle anterior-posterior
- knee_angle_ml
knee angle medial-lateral
- knee_angle_vt
knee angle vertical
- knee_moment_ap
knee moment anterior-posterior
- knee_moment_ml
knee moment medial-lateral
- knee_moment_vt
knee moment vertical
- knee_vel_ap
knee velocity anterior-posterior
- knee_vel_ml
knee velocity medial-lateral
- knee_vel_vt
knee velocity vertical
The conditions are as follows:
- fastbw
run at 5 m/s no backpack
- fastten
run at 5 m/s with 10% body mass backpack
- fasttwe
run at 5 m/s with 20% body mass backpack
- fback
run at 3.5 m/s with 20% body mass backpack
- fbw
run at 3.5 m/s no backpack
- modbw
run at 4 m/s no backpack
- modten
run at 4 m/s with 10% body mass backpack
- modtwe
run at 4 m/s with 20% body mass backpack
- runt25
run at 2.5 m/s no backpack
- runt35
run at 3.5 m/s no backpack
- runt45
run at 4.5 m/s no backpack
- sback
run at self-chosen speed with 20% body mass backpack
- sbw
run at self-chosen speed no backpack
- slowbw
run at 3 m/s no backpack
- slowten
run at 3 m/s with 10% body mass backpack
- slowtw
run at 3 m/s with 20% body mass backpack
Liew, X. B, Morris, S., Keogh, W. J, Appleby, B., Netto, K. (2016). “Effects of two neuromuscular training programs on running biomechanics with load carriage: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17(1), 1-10.
Liew, X. B, Morris, S., Netto, K. (2016). “The effects of load carriage on joint work at different running velocities.” Journal of Biomechanics, 49(14), 3275-3280.
Fukuchi, K R, Fukuchi, A C, Duarte, Marcos (2017). “A public dataset of running biomechanics and the effects of running speed on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics.” PeerJ, 5, e3298.
#> # A tibble: 610 × 48
#> id cond side step age ht wt sex study
#> <chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct>
#> 1 bernard_study1_subj01 fastbw left 5.5 33 1.90 83.9 m bernard_stu…
#> 2 bernard_study1_subj02 fastbw left 5.5 30 1.60 53.7 f bernard_stu…
#> 3 bernard_study1_subj03 fastbw left 5.5 28 1.67 69.0 m bernard_stu…
#> 4 bernard_study1_subj04 fastbw left 5.56 29 1.62 47.6 f bernard_stu…
#> 5 bernard_study1_subj05 fastbw left 4.43 35 1.68 60.8 f bernard_stu…
#> 6 bernard_study1_subj06 fastbw right 4 26 1.83 85.9 m bernard_stu…
#> 7 bernard_study1_subj07 fastbw left 5.5 25 1.63 55.4 f bernard_stu…
#> 8 bernard_study1_subj08 fastbw left 5.5 30 1.69 61.1 f bernard_stu…
#> 9 bernard_study1_subj09 fastbw left 5.56 35 1.78 76.9 m bernard_stu…
#> 10 bernard_study1_subj10 fastbw right 4.5 34 1.66 65.5 m bernard_stu…
#> # ℹ 600 more rows
#> # ℹ 39 more variables: ankle_accl_ap <tfd_reg>, ankle_accl_ml <tfd_reg>,
#> # ankle_accl_vt <tfd_reg>, ankle_angle_ap <tfd_reg>,
#> # ankle_angle_ml <tfd_reg>, ankle_angle_vt <tfd_reg>,
#> # ankle_moment_ap <tfd_reg>, ankle_moment_ml <tfd_reg>,
#> # ankle_moment_vt <tfd_reg>, ankle_vel_ap <tfd_reg>, ankle_vel_ml <tfd_reg>,
#> # ankle_vel_vt <tfd_reg>, com_grf_ap <tfd_reg>, com_grf_ml <tfd_reg>, …